Self esteem is the foundation of our personality. Whether we like it or not, the self esteem we have in ourselves affects us in all aspects of our everyday life. From the way we talk with others, to the way to function when trying to accomplish any task.
Our self esteem may be more correlated to success than any other emotion or character attribute. For this reason, we need to build it as high as possibleby reading self esteem quotes.
self esteem quotes
1-"The only things to fear is fear itself"
2-"There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbors will say"
Cyril Connolly
3-"Whatever you fear most has no power, it is your fear that has power"
Oprah Winfrey
4-"He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat"
5-"Courage is one step ahead of fear"
Coleman Young
6-"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway"
John Wayne
7-"courage is doing what you're afraid to do"
Eddie Rickenbacker
8-"If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. go out and get busy"
Dale Carnegie
9-"Readings no substitute for action"
Colleen Wainwright
Feel free to share with us the best self esteem quotes that you find in this post or in you're life in the comment section below